Agata Karska, PhD

photo: Andrzej Roma�ski

Assistant professor and group leader in the Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) in Poland, on leave in the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany. She graduated in 2014 from Leiden University, The Netherlands. She obtained several awards for her research in molecular astrophysics, e.g., the “For Women in Science” award in Germany (2012), the Polish magazine “Polityka” �(2015), and the START fellowship of the FNP (2015). She coordinated several projects at NCU, e.g., concerning international exchange of Ph.D. students and academic staff and International Academic Partnerships. She played a key role in the NCU application in the ”Excellence Initiative – Research University” program and its successful implementation as the Rector’s deputy for scientific excellence and the Rector’s deputy for the implementation of the research university strategy (2019-2020). She has served in the Science Policy Committee (2020-2021), and since 2021 in the University Board of NCU.