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Micha� Zawada is the Associate Professor in UMK, director of National Laboratory FAMO in Toru� (KL FAMO) and the PI of the ultra-cold matter experimental group. His group, i.a., designed and build the first Bose-Einstein condensate set-up, created the first ultra-cold molecules, and designed and build the first two Optical Lattice Clocks in Poland. His group reported the most accurate at that time, absolute measurement of the 1S0 – 3P0 clock transition in neutral 88Sr made over the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optic link. In parallel, his group develops and operates the dual species HgRb magneto-optical trap. Their research conducted during FNP TEAM project was focused on the study of fine-structure constant variations, and on improving limits on the Higgs-portal coupling between dark scalars particles, topological defects and Standard Model matter. More recently, his group is developing next generation of optical atomic clocks, active standards based on a superradiance phenomena.